PHILOSOTHON: Rights and Freedoms, Responsibilities and Resistance
WHERE: Mandela My life: The Official Exhibition, Touring Hall, Melbourne Museum, 11 Nicholson Street, Carlton, Victoria, 3053
WHEN: World Philosophy Day
15th November 9:30 – 2:00
This is a chance to visit the exhibit for free and gain some valuable professional development experience. You will love it!
If you wish to join us you will need to attend briefing at the Mandela exhibit on 9th November 4:00–5:00 in order to select your provocations and walk through the program.
Only five places left. Contact educationofficer@vaps.vic.edu.au to secure your place.
LEVEL ONE Community of Inquiry training for facilitators
AIM: To give teachers and others sufficient practical understanding of philosophical inquiry with children in a Community of Inquiry (COI) setting to enable them to start practicing it in their own educational contexts.
RATIONALE: The Community of Inquiry (COI) is a pedagogical method for encouraging and incorporating philosophical, critical, creative and deep thinking in the classroom. There is significant research indicating the positive impact philosophy can have for children in the classroom in terms of student confidence, self-esteem and academic performance. VAPS has spent over 20 years developing and delivering this course to support newcomers in the COI methodology. We are very proud of our work! We run two beginner level courses each year.
- DAY 1: 14th Sunday October: Brunswick East PS
- DAY 2: 28th Sunday October: Brunswick East PS and Ceres
- DAY 3: 11th Sunday November (optional): Melbourne Museum