Reminder: Thursday 17th October, 4.30 – 6pm meeting

Just a short reminder about the PEiPL meeting THIS THURSDAY: details below.  The agenda is fairly simple but I expect that getting through it will occupy the full scheduled 90 minutes.
1.  Welcome and introductions (Rob Wilson)
2.  The PEiPL Network: Melbourne, Perth, and a National Network (Rob Wilson)
3.  Report from Harry Galatis on behalf of the Philosophical Inquiry for Disengaged Youth Initiative (attachment, 9 pages, available on request), with discussion
4.  Report from Anya Daly on behalf of the A Night of Philosophy and Ideas Initiative, with discussion
5.  PEiPL and the AAP’s Philosophy in the Community Committee (PiCC, Rob Wilson)
6.  Further business
If you have an item to discuss under 6, please send me what advance notice you can; we will unannounced items under 6 as time allows.  You can also reach me on 0481549796 on the day of the meeting (including if you have trouble finding the room).  
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