Some members of PEiPL had a brainstorming session on Monday, Feb. 11, to discuss options for teaching philosophy in prisons. Participants included Jake Chandler, Shawn Standefer, Janette Poulton, Nevin Climenhaga, Pippa Malone, Rob Wilson, Tyler Paytas, and David Killoren. We discussed a number of different ways that a prison philosophy program might be possible: as a tertiary program for university credit (perhaps online); as a form of rehabilitative therapy; or in the context of retraining or vocational education. We considered whether it might be desirable for our program to work with former prisoners transitioning back into ordinary life. We discussed some issues concerning course design: whether to aim for a broad survey of philosophical topics, or to focus on specific issues; the group seemed to lean toward the former. We also discussed the idea of team-teaching. The plan now is to develop a specific proposal for the program and to begin making connections with already-existing programs that serve Victorian prisoners. Anyone who is interested in being a part of this initiative or has ideas that they would like to feed into ongoing discussions can email David Killoren at We are tentatively planning to have our next meeting on Sunday, March 24, at 2pm at The Green Man’s Arms in Carlton; anyone who wishes to attend should RSVP with David Killoren before March 15.