You are invited to the upcoming Monash workshop, “What can thinking about disability teach us about philosophy?”, taking place on Friday 7th-Saturday 8th December at Monash Caulfield. Revised program:
1000-1130 Eva Feder Kittay (Stony Brook)
Towards a Humbler Philosophy
1130-1145 COFFEE
1145-1315 Jeanette Kennett (Macquarie)
Crime, Punishment, and Dementia
1315-1415 LUNCH
1415-1545 Stephanie Elsen (Bern)
Taking seriously the political and social value of the concept of disability
1545-1600 COFFEE
1600-1730 David Shoemaker (Tulane)
Disordered, Disabled, Disregarded, Dismissed: Immorality and Exemption
Saturday 8 December 2018
1000-1130 Elizabeth Barnes (Virginia – via Skype) TBA
1130-1145 COFFEE
1145-1315 Suzy Killmister (Monash)
The Metaphysical Implications of Moral Status Talk
1315-1415 LUNCH
1415-1545 Linda Barclay (Monash)
Cognitive impairment and the moral imperative of expressive respect
For full details, see