Dear philosophers,
Minorities and Philosophy (MAP Melb Uni) warmly invite you to our inaugural event! We have recently opened our own MAP Chapter and will be kicking things off on Wednesday 19th of September for nibbles and drinks from 5-7pm in the Research Lounge (Arts West, Melbourne University.)
This space will be used to workshop our goals for the coming year. We hope to hear from philosophers in our department and wider the Melbourne area – what would you like to see our new initiative focus on?
At this meeting we will also be voting in our new Committee and reviewing/ratifying the Constitution. Please see the links below for further information if you are interested in nominating yourself for a Committee position. All UoM students welcome!
For further information, including the agenda, please see the following:
The facebook event listing is here!
Please hit attending if you can come so we have an idea of numbers
Details are also available on our website!
Or please email if you can make it
On behalf of